Those that follow these updates on the Ready website and the OEM Facebook page know how important it is to have a NOAA Weather Radio.   With a weather radio you receive directly from the National Weather Service the alerts for Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorms and Flash Flooding.   The only downside of a weather radio is you have to have one and be within earshot of it to hear the alerts.   In an effort to give all residents the opportunity to receive weather warnings without having to purchase a NOAA Weather Radio we have added Weather Warnings to our CODE RED Emergency Communications System.   The one caveat is that you have to sign up for the warnings as it is not a feature that is automatically turned on.  To sign up click on the CODE RED link on the right hand side of the website.  On the Code Red page put your address information in and add your home number, cell phone numbers and email address.   Check the warnings that you want to receive.   Right now phones can receive Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorm and Flash Flood warnings, while text and Email messages can receive Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorm and Flash Flood as well as Winter Storm and Tsunami.   Remember the system will contact you only for Weather Warnings  which means that severe weather is imminent as opposed to Weather Watches which means that the conditions are favorable for severe weather.   At the end of signing up the system will verify your information and ask if you want to create an account to be able to go back and change your selections.  Remember you can add as many numbers you want for your address – for example  you can add your family member cell phones or if you only come down in the summer you can add your out of town phone number to receive emergency notifications when you are not here.  One note –  if you added your additional phone numbers before for regular emergency notifications by signing up for weather warnings you will not get duplicate phone calls for each time you signed up – the system does not dial duplicate numbers.   Code Red will send out a City wide message to all residents on Friday to alert residents of this new service.   As with all Code Red notifications there is no cost except what your cellular provider charges for receiving text messages.