(01/23/17  10:00 PM) Tidal Flooding is predicted for tomorrow morning and also tomorrow evening.  The high tide times are this morning at 5:22AM and for the evening high tide it is at 5:40 PM.

The number for today- this evenings high tide crested at 7,17 above MLLW at 5:40 PM enhanced by the rain and wind the tide flooded Delaware, most of New York and side streets up to New Jersey Avenue. Other locations had curb flooding due to the rains and poor draining during the time of high tide. Additionally while the tide gauge showed the tide going down well over a foot at the time of this posting the water in the streets have gone down little due to the high tide closing the flapper valves. Low tide is at 11:04 PM and hopefully water will start to drain. A few minutes ago the tide height was 5.71 feet. The wind has been a major part of the storm. The North Wildwood weather station records wind speeds every two minutes and they have been constantly in the upper 20 mph with several times in the low 30 mph for the better part of the day. Some gusts are undoubtedly well above the steady winds. While the flooding covered a lot of area it still falls in the minor flooding which the NWS defines as 6.7 feet to 7.7 feet followed by moderate at 7.7 feet and major at 8.7 feet.

Residents are reminded that they can get a copy of the tide prediction tables (for everyday high and low tides) on the https://ready.northwildwood.com website. On the lower left hand side is a link saying 2017 tide charts.  It opens to a .pdf document.  This year the charts are three months on a page rather than a page a month. These were created directly from the NOAA website and contain the latest information.